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Showing posts from March, 2019

Arius, Athanasius, Plato, and the Trinity

When I hear modern day trinitarian debaters describe their dogma (I accidentally first wrote this word as "fogma", which is really kind of accurate, but I digress) with particular and peculiar language foreign to scripture, I immediately recognize that they're speaking from incessant indoctrination instead of simple and sacred revelation. I wonder how they would have described God and with what terminology were they not handed certain sets of words and philosophies. I would venture to hypothesize that they could not have in their wildest imaginations come up with the proposal, much less the acceptance, that God is a triune homoousios consisting of three coequal and consubstantial persons. How could one imagine such a thing given Jesus's consistent and prevailing declarations of being ignorant about the day and hour, having to grow in knowledge, being utterly reliant upon someone greater, etc.? They've been handed something from men who aren't Jesus, and hence