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Showing posts from December, 2019

"My Lord and My God!" proves a trinity?

Post resurrection, Jesus appeared to a doubting Thomas, and after seeing and touching the glorified Messiah himself, he believed and "said unto him, My Lord and my God." (John 20:28) There are two possibilities here. The first one I'll propound would be the most obvious interpretation surface-wise, though not necessarily the most feasible of the two ultimately, since both would make perfectly beautiful sense. Jesus was simply able to bear the title "God" in his role as Chief agent of the Most High and one with more authority over others than anyone else in the world has with the exception of the one who gave it to him. Many are right in saying Jesus was (a mighty) God because he was and still is the most powerful revealer and emissary of God. He is the "greater Moses", who is also called God. (Ex. 7:1. 14) Powerful men representing Yahweh are sometimes called God. If His spirit is upon them then they are "God with us," doing His will and