"When we seriously reflect on the significance of such a hopeful and joy-inspiring vision of what the future holds for the righteous, is it reasonable to believe that the one who intends to create a world where “pain shall no longer exist,” and who intends to “make all things new” will, on the other hand, preserve a corresponding realm or co-existing dimension where the wicked will be kept alive against their will to be consciously tortured by fire throughout the endless stretches of eternity, without the remotest possibility of relief or cessation? What would be the benefit or purpose of this? And how would such truly harmonize with the spirit of God’s intention to ultimately “make all things new” through Jesus Christ?"`~Patrick Navas (who wrote a thoughtful essay on Revelation 20:10.. Google it.) There are certain phrases and concepts many, if not most, Christians readily (and mistakenly in my educated opinion) use to cement and propagate eternal conscious torment. They t