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Social Media

There is so much noise and so many voices in this world spewing so many opinions that, if we're sensitive or tired, can become overwhelming. Simply scrolling social media or youtube subscriptions can unveil an avalanche of nonsense in every conceivable form. I think it's safe to say that the powers-that-be like to keep us perpetually distracted by nonsense and fluff. Christians are in a battle with our flesh and also dark spiritual forces, so a consistent diet of binging upon unhelpful or simply distracting visuals and opinions that are inconsequential or deceiving or downright ungodly is not the noblest or wisest pursuit. We must commune with God as constantly as is humanly possible if we desire to be fortified against the strongholds and weapons of Satan, demons, and even people who don't have our best interest at heart, intentional or not. Fill your heart and mind with Yahweh's soul food, poring the milk of his word and eventually further growing with it's meat, adopting the mind of Christ. Becoming spiritually muscular and strong enough to win the constant battle we as Christians inevitably face, physically and mentally.

If we're consuming, with our eyes, hearts, or minds, an unhealthy diet of social media rubbish, worldly entertainment, manipulative news programs, or, even worse, actively letting those things affect our moods, actions, and choices, then our path will be one that our creator doesn't desire for us. What we consume is an inescapable influence, so don't haughtily presume you're above being bewitched and catalyzed by the ungodly and distracting things of this world. Whatever Satan can use as a tool for harm, he will do it. In order to be a light in this fallen world we must not become or remain in a perpetual state of fallenness ourselves, loving this world and the things in it. Love the people in the world enough to lead them to the light, love, and truth of our creator, his Son, and their kingdom. With your words, kindness, mercy, and actions. In order to do that, we cannot emulate the destructive and dark patterns of the world itself where no semblance of the holy spirit can be perceived.

Social media platforms are manipulatively and nefariously designed to keep you addicted and influenced, almost against your will if they have their say. It's not that none of them cannot be used for good and the furtherance of the kingdom message. Its that in the process, we might get lost in the worst parts about it, as was it's design from the get-go. When we're always doing what the world's always doing , in the same fashion it's doing it, then we cannot claim to be an emulator of Yeshua our Messiah. When we're made new, the desire to consume anything unhealthy via our eyes, stomach, or ears should be lessened immensely if not eradicated entirely. Feeding our flesh is an automatic and unfortunate degradation of our spirit. We do not want to become hardened to sin and ugliness. We want to pursue righteousness and God's beautiful kingdom promises. We must be set apart before we can be a believable witness to transformation and salvation.

Relentlessly perusing apps to see how many likes or comments we've gotten, seeking validation from such shallow nonsense, can leave us feeling empty and defeated. For instance, a beautiful girl could get 50 likes on a photo and feel like garbage because one of her friends consistently gets 500. It's insane. If we don't seek and find our worth in our savior Jesus, then we will never be fulfilled or understand our value as human beings who God loves enough to have sent his Son to die for us! Why aren't we looking at and meditating upon that for validation and assurance?

Also, how can any of us claim we don't have a lot of time for prayer and bible study and service to God when we seem to have so much time for the internet or any other less integral and momentous pursuit? Is seeking attention on social media really more important than building a fundamental relationship with your breath giver and sustainer? Where is your focus? Why is a phone at the ready while a bible is cast aside? Why are you more concerned about a text than a prayer?

Additionally, we shouldn't be entertained or compelled by vulgarity, horror, lasciviousness, in what we watch or read.  The holy spirit that is supposed to be within us as Christians should be irritated and disgusted by such things. If we can comfortably and ecstatically sit through a movie or tv show full of darkness, crime, sex, nudity, cursing, etc, then an evaluation of our spiritual state should assiduously be pursued. Repent and place your God given conscience and principles above your flesh's uglier leanings and desires.

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things” (Philippians 4:8).

I know sinless perfectionism isn't plausible ultimately, but I also know our tendency to make excuses for consistent bad choices isn't apropos. We should instead rely wholeheartedly on God to strengthen us to make better, wiser, more spiritually mature and beneficial ones. If you make a mistake, and any kind here is applicable, then repent and move forward instead of self-sabotaging because of denigrated faith and esteem in yourself for disobeying our heavenly father. He forgives in big ways, but we must repent and move forward instead of wallowing and remaining in what poisons and weakens us spiritually. The love of God for you and your identity in Christ should be compelling forces stronger than any other to propel you forward, determined and eager to show them your gratitude and reciprocal devotion and love. When we fathom the magnitude of the depravity we've been forgiven for it certainly makes it easier for us to likewise forgive our debtors and heal. That self worth found in Christ and the making of conscientious choices inspired by him in his honor is what can cause us to want to tend to our spirituality and relationship with our creator and his Son more carefully and advantageously. We can partially do this by obeying and making better choices in what we consume entertainment and social media wise. Feelings are mercurial, so we need to stop trying to distract ourselves from pain and the like by indulging our flesh with worldly entertainment and from seeking vain validation on social media. Those will ultimately only foster feelings of emptiness, so we may as well satisfy out hunger and thirst for God and righteousness instead. Pray. Make better choices. Spend time with God and self improving. Care for your soul! Accept pain and discomfort, understand that they're mercurial, and always look to Christ for fulfillment, purpose, and a future anybody with any sense should eagerly anticipate and embrace!


  1. Well said.

    My only caveat is using Twitter and social media to fight Satan. It works, he hates it (see my blog post 'Satan, peeved'.

    They nuked that Twitter account eventually.

    Keep speaking truth sister, the Spirit is strong with you, may Jehovah magnify your blessings greatly. Amen.


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